How exactly do we define the Saptatalas? Is Aditaal something we only get out of the combination of a saptatala with a particular jathi?
Adi Talam is actually Chastushra Triputa Talam. It has a laghu and two Drutams. You will be able to understand the logic of this by watching all the Talam lectures one after another in the proper order.
Okay ma'am.
So what will we call Khanda Jhumpe Taalam? Everything summing up to 8 isn't Adi taalam then?
No, everything adding upto 8 will not be adi Talam. It varies based on how we divide it. Technically for creating korwes in dance it doesn't make a difference, whether it is Khanda Jumpe or Adi talam, as both have 8 beat cycles, but this is the norm followed.