The Korwe adavu is a combination of previously introduced foot and body articulations. It is called a Korvey adavu as it cannot be placed into any specific category. It has a Tattu, naatu, Bramari, Serikal amongst other movements. Some Korwe adavus also use a Kudittam in the feet.
Things to keep in mind:
- This variation facilitates a higher jump, so try to stay in the air as long as possible
- Do not lift your shoulders while jumping.
- Try not to sway from side to side in the initial Tattu.
- As you step to the side make sure the back toe pushes and points to a kunchitam
- Keep the length from finger tip to the opposite elbow
- Watch and observe the trajectory of the arms during the jump. Both arms travel in straight lines.
- Try to travel and gain height in the third speed.
- Keep shoulders down
Up Next in Adavus: 2nd Set
Thattu Mettadavu 1 : Tishram
This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.
- Try to make sure the heel is lifted pro... -
Thattu Mettadavu 2 : Chatushram
This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.
- Try to make sure the heel is lifted pro... -
Thattu Mettadavu 3 : Khandam
This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.
- Try to make sure the heel is lifted prop...