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Adavus : Instructions

Jaar Adavu variations: Instructions

9m 50s
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Thattu Mettadavu: Instructions

The instructions explain how to do the Thattu Mettadavus with accuracy and clarity of movement.

Make certain to do the Araimandi series to increase strength in the legs. Also practise hip-openers and squats.

Korwe Adavu 1: Instructions

The Korwe adavu is a combination of previously introduced foot and body articulations. It is called a Korvey adavu as it cannot be placed into any specific category. It has a Tattu, naatu, Bramari, Serikal amongst other movements. Some Korwe adavus also use a Kudittam in the feet.

Things to keep...

Korwe Adavu 2: Instructions

The Korwe adavu is a combination of previously introduced foot and body articulations. It is called a Korvey adavu as it cannot be placed into any specific category. It has a Tattu, naatu, Bramari, Serikal amongst other movements. Some Korwe adavus also use a Kudittam in the feet.

Things to keep...