Flexibility: Gluteals
Playlist 41
Mobility and flexibility in the hip area is very important for a lot of movements in bharatanatyam. When there is tightness in the gluteals, it may lead to injuries in the lower back. This video helps promote mobility in the gluteals and helps open your hips and mobility in the area.
Up Next in Playlist 41
Flexibility: Ankles and calf muscles
Mobility and flexibility in ankles are very important for a lot of movements in bharatanatyam. When there is tightness in the ankles, it may lead to injuries in the knees and hips. This video helps promote mobility in the ankles and calf muscles and must be practised after dancing or training, no...
Flexibility: Shoulders & Arms
Mobility and flexibility in the arms is necessary for efficient movement to happen. When there is tightness around the arms, the movement may look restricted when dancing and you will not have proper alignment because of tightness. This video helps promote mobility in the arms and can be done alo...
Hamstring and Hip flexor flow
This instructional video can be used in combination with any of the other flexibility videos or after a strength section has been practised. Do not practise this before a strength workout or just before practising dance.