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Watch this video and more on The Raadha Kalpa Method

Watch this video and more on The Raadha Kalpa Method


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Up Next in Playlist 16 : Repertoire Pushpanjali

  • Bends 3 : elongated side

    The Raadha Kalpa Method has analysed and broken down the various torso movements into a system of bends that are different from one another. The musculature that is engaged in each bend is different and the stability necessary for execution is also different.

    This introduces the second side bend.

  • Naatadavu 4

    The 4th Naatadavu expects a little more stability in the body. Please practice any of the Strength sections that work on lunges and squats, to achieve a deep lunge in this Adavu.

  • Kudiita Thattaduvu

    Pointers for Kuditta Thattadavu:
    Try to go down instead of hopping up each time you snatch onto your heels.
    Keep dropping your tailbone and pushing your thighs back.
    When you bend to the side, elongate your lower side, so the length of your top side and bottom side remain the same.
    Do not push...