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Adavus: Practice videos

Thattu Mettadavu 4 : Mishram

2m 36s

Up Next in Adavus: 2nd Set

  • Thattu Mettadavu 5 : Sankeernam

    This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.

    - Try to make sure the heel is lifted prop...

  • Kuditta Mettadavu: Variations

    The Kuditta mettadavu, named so because of the combination of a small jump and then the dropping of the heel, is usually done with hands to the side and then a small cross at the wrists.

    These variations, continue with the same movement of the feet while changing the torso and arm movements.

  • Serikal Adavu

    "Serikal", means to slide. This series of Adavus include a variety of sliding movements in the Adavu series of The Raadha Kalpa Method. The first variety is introduced in this series. Technically 'Jaaru' and 'Serikal' mean the same thing, but we will call this second series of sliding Adavus as '...